Business Guide: Cost Free Way to Make Money Online - 5 Proven Steps to Success

There are many ways to make money online and a lot of these ways could make you a substantial amount of money but most of them are either a gamble with your money or illegal. However there is a proven way of making money online without spending a penny on websites or expensive advertising. It's called the bum marketing method, because any bum can do it, and it involves promoting other peoples' products for a commission on each sale you generate. This process is called affiliate marketing and here are 5 proven steps that will make you money online.

Step 1 - Find a profitable niche: Research the market you have in mind before you choose a product. By using keywords and phrases you can discover smaller areas of your chosen market in order to reduce the competition, and therefore isolate your potential buyers, this is called a niche. Eg - instead of trying to find products on just dieting, you should search for people who are maybe trying to diet for a specific reason or within a certain amount of time.

Step 2 - Learn about keywords: Keywords and phrases are essential to your campaign. You need to learn how they work in order to get noticed by the search engines when people type in specific words searching for their answer. There are a number of sites that track keywords for free and they are the best tool in affiliate marketing.

Step 3 - Create a lens: Basically a lens is your substitute for a website and this is where you will do all your main product promoting. There are various websites that allow you to do this absolutely free.Using what you have learned about keywords and phrases create your lens in the best way to promote your chosen product in order to start making money.

Step 4 - Submit articles: These are your adverts and where you should spend most of your time. You need to learn how to create an article so it includes your chosen keywords along with useful information on the subject you are promoting. Done correctly you will become very noticed by both the search engines and potential buyers.

Step 5 - Take your time: Don't rush to get all these things done so you can move onto the next project. Concentrate all your time on your first product and make sure it's done properly and thoroughly to ensure you make money online, because if you don't get your first one right you won't get any others right.

For a deaper insight into how to make money online from scratch, and accumulate all the tools and information needed to work from the comfort of your own home and begin your journey to a new life.

Article Tags: Make Money Online, Make Money, Money Online

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